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Labiaplasty, or labia reduction, is a procedure performed to reduce the excess skin and reshape of the vaginal folds.  Labia surgery is usually performed for both functional and aesthetic purposes. Some women develop enlarged labia after pregnancy, childbirth, and aging while for others, long labia minora is genetic. Enlarged labia can cause discomfort during sex, sports, and physical activities. Many also feel embarrassment and loss of self-esteem. Labiaplasty can help enhance the appearance of the vulva, alleviate pain and irritation, as well as give patients greater confidence. 

In some cases, reshaping of labia majora with fat transfer or local tissue rearrangement may enhance the overall result of labiaplasty.

Who is a Good Candidate for Labiaplasty?

The best candidates are healthy patients with realistic expectations. Regardless of the cause of enlarged labia, from genetic, pregnancy, or aging, women who experiencing discomfort with daily activities, including intimacy, can benefit from this procedure. This surgery not only alleviate the physical discomfort, but often enhance a woman’s self-esteem.

How is Labiaplasty Surgery Performed?

The surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. It is relatively short procedure and often takes less than an hour to perform. Most women seeking labia surgery usually request that their labia minora not protrude beyond the labia majora. The surgery can be tailored to patients’ goals. In case of enlarged labia minora after childbirth or aging, the loss of volume in labia majora can also be addressed, most often with fat transfer, to enhance the overall result.

What is the Recovery?

Patients are able to go home after the procedure. The whole vulva area will be very swollen for the first week.Activities should be limited during the first week. Most patients are able to return to work after 1 week. Exercise or physical intimacy are restricted for the first 6 weeks after surgery. Although this is not a very painful procedure, pain medication can be prescribed to control the post-operative pain. Preparation before surgery and close adherence to post-op care are keys to a more comfortable recovery and predictable results.